Mold information

Increase The Household Products Mould to The Temperature Required for Production


The temperature difference between the melt and the Hou […]

The temperature difference between the melt and the Household Product Mould should not be too large to prevent the glass fibers from accumulating on the surface as the melt fills to cool and form the floating fibers. Therefore, a higher mould temperature should be used, which also contributes to improved melt filling performance, improved weld mark strength, improved product surface roughness, and reduced orientation and deformation. However, the higher temperature of the household product mould, the longer the cooling time. The longer the moulding cycle, the lower the productivity, and the higher the moulding shrinkage ratio, so the higher the better. The mould temperature setting of household products should also consider the type of resin, mould structure, glass fiber content and other conditions. When the cavity is complicated, the glass fiber content is high, the mould filling is difficult, and the mould temperature should be appropriately increased.

According to the nature of the raw materials used in the finished product and the size of the mould of the household product, a suitable mould temperature control machine is selected to raise the temperature of the household product mould to the temperature required for production.

After the mould temperature of the household product rises, the movement of each component should be checked again. Since the steel may get stuck due to thermal expansion, care should be taken to slip each part to avoid tension and vibration.